Saying Hello with a smile! Welcome to my random thoughts. I am pretty much freestyling this post, so there is no set topic to it. I wanted first to say THANK YOU to all of you who stop by just to browse, read or see what I have been up to.  As many of you may or may not know, I started this blog journey in May of this year. I always had the passion to do something fashion related, but believe I am too shy to be a You Tube "vlogger" so I decided to give blogging a try. The competition is fierce!! But guess what? My God is BIGGER than the competition and He's actually taken me a different route! What I thought this website should be about, God has shown me something completely different and has given me a different strategy, that I am slowly working on. I feel blessed to have met so many different people on my "blog journey"  I have also been blessed to be able to collaborate with so many different and unique boutiques to be able to host giveaways of trendy, fashion forward and fabulous items.

A word of encouragement to anyone out there who may be considering starting a blog or an online business, just go ahead and do it! Always remember that there is room for more than just one, and yes even though someone's blog or website may get looked at far more than yours does, it does not matter, just keep doing it because you enjoy doing it and watch God work things out in your favor! We all enhance each other in one way or the other. "One hand washes the other." Try washing your hands using just one hand and see just how clean it will get! Remember in order to get to the top, you have to start at the bottom. Never compare yourself or your talents with anyone else! God made you unique. You are not a carbon copy. Don't try so hard, but never give up either. And Never EVER beat yourself up, if it does not work the first time around. If at first you dont succeed...dust yourself off and try again! Never give up on your dreams or lose focus of the talents and gifts that God has placed in you. I'm not sure who needed to read this, but I felt it needed to be put out there :)

Lastly, if you don't know ths about me, here's one random thing...I LOVE UNIQUE EARRINGS!!! That being said, yesterday I went to the African Arts Festival in Brooklyn and I purchased the earrings shown in the picture above. What do you guys think? I LOVE THEM :)

Comments are complimented :)
Enjoy the sunshine (even on the cloudy days)
xoxo - Farah Andrea

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    Meet Farah Andrea.
    I'm a self-proclaimed fashion stylist...and I enjoy writing. No, correction, I enjoy writing about all things fashion and beauty related and I hope you will enjoy reading my blogs!


    July 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012